January 2021
Date: February 6, 2021
Hello Everyone
Hopefully, everybody is staying warm, whether in Texas, Colorado or even here in – 9 Isle MN.
Thank you to everyone who has renewed their Association Membership. If there is anyone who hasn’t received their 2021 Landing Access passes please let us know. They must be visible when using the ramp this season. By the response it appears our new way paying on-line through the website is a success.
It has been great to see our members and their families using the plowed skating rink in the harbor this winter.
Please keep an eye on the website as we will be using it more and more to keep Members informed. We will be providing information soon on the availability for new Sweatshirts and T-shirts with the new Malone Island logo. More to come on that front in the future.
With this newsletter I have attached a notice from the City of Isle regarding the persistent grease issue at the liftstation. Since the liftstation serves only this Island, we are the source of the problem. Keep in mind that although the concern is the liftstation which remember sends all our sewage to the city Wastewater Treatment plant, as grease is sent through the sewer system out here there definitely is grease collecting in the lines throughout the island. This eventually will create serious problems with the homes due to plugging and possible sewage back-ups into homes. Sewage back-up in homes in many cases is the responsibility of the homeowner. Please think twice before running any form of grease down the sink, toilet etc. Rental properties may want to post the attached notice and be sure guests are aware to dispose of all cooking oil and grease properly.
Stay safe everyone!
Rick Behnke