December 2020
Date: December 22,2020
Hello Everyone
With this being the week of Christmas the Malone Island Association Board of Directors wishes to extend a wish of Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all our terrific members and their families.
We have been through many trying moments this year. We have lost members, whom we will miss terribly but we will all hold on to those special memories. We have also gained new families on the island that we all look forward to getting familiar with.
On the bright side remember May 15,2021 is the Minnesota fishing opener!
As promised, our website is finally near completion. You now have complete access to these newsletters; meeting minutes and the biggest change is your ability to pay your membership dues right on the website using any major credit card. Please give it a try, and special THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this website a reality. Especially Chriss Joyce for getting the pay by card installed and working.! Please give it a try. Its very easy..once on the website, click membership and just follow the prompts. You have the option of the membership only and the full membership including docks.
You can also complete the survey that is being included with your membership renewal being mailed (please copy and paste in your browser)
THANK YOU, is often thrown out without thought or true meaning but this Association is about to see something it has not seen in DECADES. Diane Neumeister will be vacating her position as a trustee. She also will be relinquishing her WELCOME COMMITTEE title so that she can spend quality time with her husband Will.
Will and Diane have dedicated years and committed hundreds of hours of their time for this Association.
So, if you see either Diane and Will please thank them and wish them the best. They will still be on the island so we will still be seeing them both.
MANY THANKS DIANE, everyone on the island will miss your help and enthusiasm !!
Please remember that you completing and promptly returning the survey included with your dues renewal is very important in that the $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 are minimums.
You can still pay with your credit card on-line and mail your survey in or give it to any Board member.
As of January 1, 2021, new Board members will be seated. As a reminder they are:
President- Rick Behnke
Vice President- Ernie Frie
Secretary- Jim DaRosa
Treasurer Liaison- Jeannine Bruesewitz
3 Year Trustee- Chriss Joyce
2 Year Trustee- Ken Dow
1 Year Trustee- Ron Larson (serving as welcoming ambassador as well)
Any new volunteers and thoughts are always welcome
Please mark your calendars! Weather permitting, January 16th there will be a skating party in the harbor area. All are invited so bring the kids with family and friends. Please bring chairs and refreshments. Fire will be provided. This is not an official Association function, but all are invited.
This is the final newsletter for 2020. Again, thank you to everyone for a great 2020. Stay safe and healthy
Rick Behnke